Public Methods |
| View (const Rect &cFrame, const std::string &cTitle, uint32 nResizeMask=CF_FOLLOW_LEFT|CF_FOLLOW_TOP, uint32 nFlags=WID_WILL_DRAW|WID_CLEAR_BACKGROUND) |
| View constructor. More...
virtual | ~View () |
| View destructor. More...
virtual void | AttachedToWindow () |
virtual void | AllAttached () |
virtual void | DetachedFromWindow () |
virtual void | AllDetached () |
virtual void | Activated (bool bIsActive) |
| Hook called when the view gain or loose focus. More...
virtual void | WindowActivated (bool bIsActive) |
| Hook called when the window hosting this view gain or loose focus. More...
virtual void | Paint (const Rect &cUpdateRect) |
| Called by the system update "damaged" areas of the view. More...
virtual void | MouseMove (const Point &cNewPos, int nCode, uint32 nButtons, Message *pcData) |
| Hook called by the system when the mouse is moved. More...
virtual void | MouseDown (const Point &cPosition, uint32 nButtons) |
| Hook called by the system when a mouse button is pressed. More...
virtual void | MouseUp (const Point &cPosition, uint32 nButtons, Message *pcData) |
| Hook called by the system when a mouse button is release. More...
virtual void | KeyDown (const char *pzString, const char *pzRawString, uint32 nQualifiers) |
| Hook called by the system when a key is pressed while the view has focus. More...
virtual void | KeyUp (const char *pzString, const char *pzRawString, uint32 nQualifiers) |
| Hook called by the system when a key is released while the view has focus. More...
virtual void | FrameMoved (const Point &cDelta) |
| Virtual hook called by the system when the view is moved within it's parent. More...
virtual void | FrameSized (const Point &cDelta) |
| Virtual hook called by the system when the view is resized. More...
virtual void | ViewScrolled (const Point &cDelta) |
| Virtual hook called by the system when the view content is scrolled. More...
virtual void | FontChanged (Font *pcNewFont) |
| Called to notify the view that the font has changed. More...
virtual Point | GetPreferredSize (bool bLargest) const |
virtual Point | GetContentSize () const |
virtual void | WheelMoved (const Point &cDelta) |
| Hook called by the system when the scroll-wheel is rotated. More...
virtual void | AddChild (View *pcView, bool bAssignTabOrder=false) |
void | RemoveChild (View *pcChild) |
void | RemoveThis () |
View * | GetChildAt (const Point &cPos) |
View * | GetChildAt (int nIndex) |
View * | GetParent () const |
ScrollBar * | GetVScrollBar () const |
ScrollBar * | GetHScrollBar () const |
Window * | GetWindow () const |
std::string | GetTitle () const |
virtual int | GetTabOrder () |
| Get the keybord manouvering order. More...
virtual void | SetTabOrder (int nOrder) |
| Set the keyboard manouvering sorting order. More...
uint32 | GetQualifiers () const |
void | GetMouse (Point *pcPosition, uint32 *pnButtons) |
void | SetMousePos (const Point &cPosition) |
void | BeginDrag (Message *pcData, const Point &cOffset, const Bitmap *pcBitmap, Handler *pcReplyTarget=NULL) |
| Start a drag and drop operation. More...
void | BeginDrag (Message *pcData, const Point &cOffset, const Rect &cBounds, Handler *pcReplyTarget=NULL) |
| Start a drag and drop operation. More...
void | SetFlags (uint32 nFlags) |
uint32 | GetFlags (uint32 nMask=~0L) const |
void | SetResizeMask (uint32 nFlags) |
uint32 | GetResizeMask () const |
void | Show (bool bVisible=true) |
| Show/hide a view and all it's children. More...
void | Hide () |
bool | IsVisible () const |
virtual void | MakeFocus (bool bFocus=true) |
virtual bool | HasFocus () const |
Rect | GetFrame () const |
Rect | GetBounds () const |
Rect | GetNormalizedBounds () const |
float | Width () const |
float | Height () const |
Point | GetLeftTop () const |
virtual void | SetFrame (const Rect &cRect, bool bNotifyServer=true) |
| Set the size and position relative to the parent view. More...
virtual void | MoveBy (const Point &cDelta) |
| Move the view within the parent coordinate system. More...
virtual void | MoveBy (float vDeltaX, float vDeltaY) |
virtual void | MoveTo (const Point &cPos) |
| Set the views position within the parent coordinate system. More...
virtual void | MoveTo (float x, float y) |
virtual void | ResizeBy (const Point &cDelta) |
virtual void | ResizeBy (float vDeltaW, float vDeltaH) |
virtual void | ResizeTo (const Point &cSize) |
virtual void | ResizeTo (float W, float H) |
virtual int | ToggleDepth () |
Point | ConvertFromParent (const Point &cPoint) const |
void | ConvertFromParent (Point *cPoint) const |
Rect | ConvertFromParent (const Rect &cRect) const |
void | ConvertFromParent (Rect *cRect) const |
Point | ConvertToWindow (const Point &cPoint) const |
void | ConvertToWindow (Point *cPoint) const |
Rect | ConvertToWindow (const Rect &cRect) const |
void | ConvertToWindow (Rect *cRect) const |
Point | ConvertFromWindow (const Point &cPoint) const |
void | ConvertFromWindow (Point *cPoint) const |
Rect | ConvertFromWindow (const Rect &cRect) const |
void | ConvertFromWindow (Rect *cRect) const |
Point | ConvertToScreen (const Point &cPoint) const |
void | ConvertToScreen (Point *cPoint) const |
Rect | ConvertToScreen (const Rect &cRect) const |
void | ConvertToScreen (Rect *cRect) const |
Point | ConvertFromScreen (const Point &cPoint) const |
void | ConvertFromScreen (Point *cPoint) const |
Rect | ConvertFromScreen (const Rect &cRect) const |
void | ConvertFromScreen (Rect *cRect) const |
void | Invalidate (const Rect &cRect, bool bRecurse=false) |
| Add a rectangle to the damage list. More...
void | Invalidate (bool bRecurse=false) |
| Invalidate the whole view. More...
void | Flush () |
| Flush the render queue. More...
void | Sync () |
| Flush the render queue. More...
void | SetDrawingMode (drawing_mode nMode) |
drawing_mode | GetDrawingMode () const |
void | SetFont (Font *pcFont) |
| Change the views text font. More...
Font * | GetFont () const |
void | SetFgColor (int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255) |
void | SetFgColor (Color32_s sColor) |
Color32_s | GetFgColor () const |
void | SetBgColor (int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255) |
void | SetBgColor (Color32_s sColor) |
Color32_s | GetBgColor () const |
void | SetEraseColor (int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, int nAlpha=255) |
void | SetEraseColor (Color32_s sColor) |
Color32_s | GetEraseColor () const |
void | MovePenTo (const Point &cPos) |
void | MovePenTo (float x, float y) |
void | MovePenBy (const Point &cPos) |
void | MovePenBy (float x, float y) |
Point | GetPenPosition () const |
| Get the current pen position. More...
void | DrawLine (const Point &cToPoint) |
void | DrawLine (const Point &cFromPnt, const Point &cToPnt) |
virtual void | ScrollBy (const Point &cDelta) |
virtual void | ScrollBy (float vDeltaX, float vDeltaY) |
virtual void | ScrollTo (Point cTopLeft) |
virtual void | ScrollTo (float x, float y) |
Point | GetScrollOffset () const |
void | ScrollRect (const Rect &cSrcRect, const Rect &cDstRect) |
| Copy a rectangle from one location to another within the view. More...
void | FillRect (const Rect &cRect) |
void | FillRect (const Rect &cRect, Color32_s sColor) |
void | DrawBitmap (const Bitmap *pcBitmap, const Rect &cSrcRect, const Rect &cDstRect) |
| Render a bitmap into the view. More...
void | EraseRect (const Rect &cRect) |
void | DrawFrame (const Rect &cRect, uint32 nFlags) |
void | DrawChar (int nChar) |
void | DrawChar (int nChar, const Point &cPos) |
void | DrawString (const char *pzString) |
void | DrawString (const char *pString, int nLength) |
| Render a text-string at the current pen position. More...
void | DrawString (const std::string &cString) |
void | DrawString (const char *pzString, const Point &cPos) |
void | DrawString (const char *pString, int nLength, const Point &cPos) |
void | DrawString (const std::string &cString, const Point &cPos) |
void | GetTruncatedStrings (const char **pazStringArray, int nStringCount, uint32 nMode, float nWidth, char **pazResultArray) const |
float | GetStringWidth (const char *pzString) const |
float | GetStringWidth (const char *pzString, int nLength) const |
float | GetStringWidth (const std::string &cString) const |
void | GetStringWidths (const char **apzStringArray, const int *anLengthArray, int nStringCount, float *avWidthArray) const |
int | GetStringLength (const char *pzString, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const |
int | GetStringLength (const char *pzString, int nLength, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const |
int | GetStringLength (const std::string &cString, float vWidth, bool bIncludeLast=false) const |
void | GetStringLengths (const char **apzStringArray, const int *anLengthArray, int nStringCount, float vWidth, int *anMaxLengthArray, bool bIncludeLast=false) const |
void | GetFontHeight (font_height *psHeight) const |
void | Ping (int nSize=0) |
Convert a point or rectangle from local to parent coordinate system -
Convert a point or rectangle from local to parent coordinate system
See also:
Kurt Skauen ([email protected])
Point | ConvertToParent (const Point &cPoint) const |
| Translate a os::Point into our parents coordinate system. More...
void | ConvertToParent (Point *cPoint) const |
| Translate a os::Point into our parents coordinate system. More...
Rect | ConvertToParent (const Rect &cRect) const |
void | ConvertToParent (Rect *cRect) const |
Friends |
class | Window |
class | ScrollBar |
class | Font |