What software are available for AtheOS? |
There are not a lot of native AtheOS applications, but there is quite a few GNU
applications ported to it. The server running this site is in fact an AtheOS machine. AtheOS has
ok developer support through GCC, GNU-make, Emacs, and all other GNU utillities. I do miss
a debugger though. There are a handful of network servers available:
ftp(wu-ftpd), http(Apache), cvs, telnet...
Applications that have been written from scratch for AtheOS:
- cpu - A CPU load viewer that draws a chart showing the "load history".
- Pulse - Another CPU monitor displaying the load as one "pulsing" bar for each CPU. Provides
a more instant feedback on the load.
- A Memory usage viewer.
- An desktop manger
- An x-term like terminal emulator.
- An icon converter that load's windows icons, and .BMP files and converts them to AtheOS icons.
- An GUI for GS to view PDF files in a window (Dog slow, and not really finished)
- ps
- top
- nice
- strace
- format/mount/unmount
- + div test app's
Application that has been heavily modified to run under AtheOS:
- GNU Emacs V19.34
- X-Springies
- The GNU C library, glibc-2.1.2
- Qt GUI toolkit. (Only the 'tools' part needed to port Doxygen)
Applications that compile from the original package with minor/no changes.
- Apache web server
- Bash - The Born Again Shell
- BIND - A DNS server and client tools/libraries.
- bzip2 - A compression utillity.
- bison
- Doxygen - Tool for automatice document creation from sourcefile comments.
- CVS - Concurrent Revision Control system based on RCS
- ftp
- GCC GNU Compile Collection
- Ghost script.
- GNU Auto configure
- GNU Auto make
- GNU awk
- GNU bin utils
- GNU diff utils
- GNU file utils
- GNU find utils
- GNU flex
- GNU Make
- GNU gperf
- GNU patch
- GNU grep
- GNU groff
- GNU sed
- GNU shell utils
- GNU tar
- GNU termcap
- GNU Terminal utils
- GNU text utils
- GNU zip
- hc-crond - A cron deamon.
- inetd
- less - A terminal pager.
- Lynx - A terminal based web browser.
- M4 - A generic preprocessor.
- man - A docmentation reader.
- Midnight Commander - A norton commander clone.
- ncftp - An advanced FTP client.
- Perl5 - Interpreter for the Perl script language.
- PHP3 - A server side script language for HTTP servers.
- QMail - A mail-server (replacement for sendmail).
- RCS - A revision control tool.
- ssh - A secure shell implementation.
- telnet/telnetd - Server/Client for the telnet protocol.
- teTex - Set of utillities for creating latex documents.
- wu-ftpd - An FTP server.
- zicq - a text base ICQ client.
- Various libraries like libpng, jpeglib, zlib, ncurses, ...